Monday, December 19, 2011

Random Experiences on the Water 2011

There were a number of experiences over the summer that were little one offs that I managed to capture so thought I'd just throw them in here. For no particular reason.

July 1 Fireworks in Campbell River, viewed from the flybridge.

Sunset over Georgia Strait

Sign on a Boathouse.

Huge craft being worked on in the Ocean Pacific yard.

Tall Ship off Cortes Bay

Ferry leaving Crofton for Saltspring Island.

Converted Fish Boat


That's a BIG dinghy to be towing.

Rare Diesel Duck

Sunnfjord 52

Kayaking near Grace Harbour

CCGS Neocaligus - Research vessel

All we saw of any Orcas this year

Looking out from Dorian I in her home berth

Looking out from Dorian I in Von Donop Inlet

Anchored in Von Donop Inlet

Heading toward Pryce Channel

Chart plotter with Radar overlay (not properly tuned yet.)

The area where the chart plot image was taken.


Done for the season.


  1. Our mother would be aghast at your spelling ability or lack thereof...
    Beautiful pictures though.

  2. I realize that I will have to be extremely careful after that last comment. I'll have to see if there is a spell check available. Just as a check of course. Don't really need one. Most of the time.

  3. There were a lot of sentence fragments in that last post, Uncle Douglas.
